The Transition from Childhood to Young Adulthood

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  • Welcome to the School of Logic!

    The School of Logic serves as the transition from childhood to young adulthood. At the heart of that transition is living a Christ-honoring life while developing the ability to think critically about the world around us. In 1 Peter 3:15, we are told, “… but in your hearts, honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect…” That, in essence, is the goal of the School of Logic.

    First, we want students to develop a love for Christ that leads them to live a life that demonstrates that love to those around them. When our students do that, people around them will begin to take notice, because they will think, talk, act, and believe differently than the culture around them. Eventually, people will ask why they are living this way, and when asked, we want students to be prepared to “make a defense” for the hope that is in them. We want to teach them how to form a reasonable argument for why they live in a way that is counter-cultural but when doing so, it is important that they do it with gentleness and respect. Nothing dissuades someone from an argument faster than being treated disrespectfully.

    I look forward to working with the talented, seasoned faculty and wonderful community of parents as we partner together to disciple students through a challenging time of their lives by making the School of Logica safe, loving place for kids as they continue to discover who God made them to be.

    Our faithful, experienced School of Logic Faculty looks forward to partnering with parents to disciple their children into the Lord Jesus Christ. And, by God's grace, we will continue providing a safe and loving learning community that allows our students to embrace who God says they are, while they seek Him and His calling on their lives. 

    In Christ,
    Stephen Steiner
    Head of School of Logic

Contact Us

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  • Photo of Amy Fast

    Amy Fast 

    School of Logic Admin

A Regents Education

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  • The School of Logic

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  • 7th grade

    All students take Bible to continue to learn the story of Christ and how He says to live and why.
  • 8th grade

    They take Logic to begin to learn how to form an argument that is reasonable and valid or to spot one that is flawed.

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  • Academic Discipleship

    Our homerooms are designed to provide students identity and a community while working to honor and instill Christ-like virtues through conversation and competition.
  • An Education Pointing Towards Christ & Virtue

    All subjects are designed to point kids toward Christ and virtue through the content of the class and the discipleship of the teacher.

Classical Education

Some might think Classical Education is attractive, but impractical. But is this true? The pinnacle of our Logic curriculum is the study of logic itself. Our informal/inductive and formal/deductive curricula equip students to recognize errors in arguments, both their own and others'.  It is a skill they take into the rest of their studies:

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  • Science

    Develop and test hypotheses
  • Mathematics

    Cultivate problem solving skills
  • Latin

    Grasp the order and structure of language
  • Literature

    Explore authors' visions and narratives and develop their own stories and coherent ideas
  • Bible

    Examine the wholeness and rationality of Scripture
  • History

    Examine the consequences of events and ideas


Neque enim quaero intelligere ut credam, sed credo ut intelligam (I do not seek to understand in order that I may believe, but rather, I believe in order that I may understand)

Notice of Non-Discriminatory Policy

Regents School of Austin does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin in the administration of its educational, admission, financial aid or employment policies, or any other programs administered by the school.