Regents Parent Council (RPC)

Looking for ways to serve? We'd love your help! Contact the RPC Chair or Committee Chairs listed in the link above.

Regents Men

List of 3 items.

  • Regents Dads Curb Service (RDCS)

    • Serve the Regents community.
    • Help create the fabric of our community.
    • Fellowship with other Dads.
    • Welcome new Dads to Regents.
    • Safety: First, last and most important.
    • Efficiency: Prompt traffic flow and drop off.
    • Community:  A pleasant drop off experience for Regents families.
  • Regents Mens' Lunch

    It is a time to share lunch, fellowship, and be encouraged by a short presentation. All men are welcome whether you are a dad, granddad, staff spouse, or alum. Come enjoy community with other men who love Regents.
  • Regents Mens' Bible Study

    Regents Men meet on a weekly basis to study the Word of God. Each lesson is stand alone, so come as often as you want. Check out the Regents Weekly Newsletter for more details!

In Loco Parentis

Regents School believes in the priority of the family as instituted by God. No other institution is given the high calling of raising and nurturing children. Our school serves in loco parentis, that is, teachers stand in the parents' place, training students here as we anticipate Christian parents are also doing at home.

Regent Parent Council

List of 1 items.

  • Ways to Serve


From the beginning this has been a school founded on prayer.  We are deeply grateful to our founding families for their prayerful leadership. 
And today, as you walk through the halls, offices and listen in while classrooms are in session, it is evident that prayer is a critical ingredient to the building of His school.  Each day teacher and students begin their day praying for one another.

Regents parents get in on the action too!  Mom's prayer and Dad's prayer groups meet once a week and pray for our students, staff, faculty and community.


A core component of the Regents experience is the relationship of parents and gradparents to every aspect of the child's education from volunteering in the classroom, the Science and Nature Center, the lunchroom, or even the reception desk.  The vast amount of skills and experience, in combination with tremendous in-kind gifts, significantly reduce our operating costs.  In fact, we average more than 44,000 volunteer hours per year.
If you would like to learn more about prayer groups or how you can volunteer, contact our RPC Chair.

1 Peter 4:10

Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms.

Notice of Non-Discriminatory Policy

Regents School of Austin does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin in the administration of its educational, admission, financial aid or employment policies, or any other programs administered by the school.